Thursday, May 5, 2016

Morning Charts 05/05/2016 SPX /es

MEH, nothing big to report up here today.

On to the lie -

SPX 30m - Backtest of busted support and then continued failure? Will that second HnS play out after backtest of the neckline? Do they want to backtest 64 again? Is an even larger HnS in formation (RS to begin here with a move up to possibly 75? Or is this far enough and 'they' are gonna take the ball back? Not sure, but one really needs to be leaning south with extreme caution. Price needs to separate from the 64 area. Again, I'm hoping for weakness to one last bull trap to set weekly neg divs then the collapse - that to me would be the best (not necessary) technical scenario.


Freedom watch -

Well, duh - Majority Of Germans Think The Media Is Controlled By Political, Economic Elites

OK - this will take some time, but read the headlines and the summary of each destroyed country she's touched - it's mind blowing - Hillary Clinton’s Six Foreign-Policy Catastrophes. Then go into the comments and look at her voting record.

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

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